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In-house system design and advice on earthing

In addition to supplying, installing and maintaining CP- systems, Korf KB also designs these systems. This ensures us that all safety requirements and the highest quality standards are met. This way we can provide our clients with the best possible service and advice.

A good design
makes all the difference

An earthing device can have all sorts of shapes and sizes. However, to stay in control of the system and to guarantee that it works properly near all other systems used, a good design is essential. Simply connecting electrical items through earthing threads isn’t enough anymore.

For many clients both in the Netherlands and Belgium, Korf KB supplies earthing facilities, for example at construction sites. These systems are specifically designed for the particular type of soil, the type of earthing and the linked devices and chains.

Earthing for drainage systems

Korf KB not only arranges earthing of various installations and locations, we also design and install highly specialised earthing systems for drainage facilities. These systems are designed on the basis of our clients requests and could have an extremely low distribution resistance for instance. In order to achieve this low level, an earthing system sometimes consists of multiple earthing nests with at least five electrodes. To minimise possible losses, it is of the utmost importance for these systems that they are designed properly.

Installation and final acceptance

Korf KB has state of the art equipment at its disposal and a highly experienced and knowledgeable staff. It is therefore absolutely no problem for us to install the most complex earthing or equipotential bonding systems. By carefully deciding for each project which equipment to use we can work efficient and cost-effective.

With each completed installation, an acceptance report is issued. This report shows the units that have been connected, how they have been connected, as well as the contact resistance of the earth point. It also contains the results of resistivity surveys, conducted at every third depth gauge. This overview will show that the resistivity decreases as the soil is entered at a deeper level. The final total grounding resistance is determined on the basis of either the NEN1010-standard, the requirements as formulated in the construction documents, or the wishes of the client.

Periodical measurements

Korf KB also conducts periodical inspections to monitor the functioning of the pipeline system. During these inspections the functioning is checked by doing resistivity surveys between the objects and the earth point. In addition, the electrical resistance of the earthing is measured. We advise to do periodic measurements in different seasons as the change in humidity could cause considerable difference in the resistance.